Guidelines for School and Teachers


Common ways that schools and teachers can deliver online learning during school closures:

1. Holding virtual classes /lessons for students to watch in real-time

This is our recommended approach wherever possible to do so. For example, a student can ‘dial in’ to a lesson using technologies such as Skype, Facetime, Google Hangouts, or similar when a teacher live stream lessons to students at scheduled times.

2. Recording classes/lessons for students to access on-demand

This is another option allowed. However, it is recommended that teachers add the following notice at the beginning of the video:

If this is not practical, it would be a good idea to email students (or put a notice in school blogs or other communication platforms) reminding students and parents that remote lessons are being provided to them as part of their school’s response to COVID-19, and that they must not make any further copies of any of the content provided to them, including sharing with friends, via social media, or uploading to the internet.

3. Putting content onto a Digital Teaching Environment for students to access

Teachers may wish to upload material to a Digital Teaching Environment such as YouTube, Office 365, Microsoft Teams and others for students to access.

Please note that for services such as YouTube, the terms of use state that children must be 13 years or over, so a parent or guardian supervision may be required.

4. Providing print resources to students

Due to internet/bandwidth issues, teachers and schools may need to provide students with photocopies of print resources or a USB or DVD of print resources. Teachers should send a cover letter with the resources that states the materials have been provided for the student’s educational use during the COVID-19 outbreak and no further copies should be made.

5. Conducting lessons via Educational TV Channel

Students can be provided with schedules to view the appropriate educational resource on this platform from home.


Minimum scope in the curriculum to be achieved by end of 2020

Curriculum Department will identify the ‘must do’ components to be covered by the teacher this year so that teachers do not panic and rush to finish the syllabus.

In this crisis time when the teachers do not meet their students physically, such rush would induce unnecessary stress and anxiety among the teachers, students and it might escalate to the parents too

Lower Primary Levels to focus on Literacy and Numeracy

Key considerations on the Tasks assigned to students
  • Should be appropriate for the age and stage of the student and consider the requirements of those who may have additional needs
  • Should have clear learning objectives
  • Should consider a range of ‘end products’ (eg written work, photos, videos, audio posts, physical collections, posters, pictures)
  • Should indicate how students or parents are required to ‘return’ the completed task
  • Should give clear deadlines

Should not be entirely dependent on access to, and/or ability to use a device

Use of a printer is optional

When a new concept is to be taught, consider recording a video to introduce it

Internet-connected device many not be needed all the time


Send daily messages to students who have digital devices

Between 07:30 – 08:30, or at agreed time

Provide ways for teachers to remain close with their students

Particularly so for students from disadvantaged background

Have some conversation to boost the moral and motivation of the students

Establish a system that monitor the quality and quantity of the communication between teacher and their students

Through such monitoring, students who are challenging to reach could receive more attention and support from the school


Encourage continuation of a social network between students

Encourage physical activity indoors and outdoors while still observing social distancing and other measures recommended by the Ministry of Health

Encourage screen breaks

Not to overwhelm with tasks

Remind students to eat healthy, drink water and sleep enough

Where necessary, seek feedback from students and/or parents about how their children are coping with the situation and the workload


If you do not have contact from a student;

  • After 1 day – Send an email and message to students or parents (where appropriate)
  • After 2 day – Telephone contact should be attempted

Consider additional monitoring of students known to be vulnerable or in a vulnerable situation


Develop a platform (online) to support each other in lesson plans development, sharing of teaching resources and perhaps useful innovation

School leaders could have a log of what teachers do effectively in their lessons and how they have collaborated among them

Such practices could be shared with other teachers in the school or to other schools too