Permanent Secretary (Core Education) attends the 45th Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization High Officials Meeting (45th SEAMEO HOM)

Dec 1, 2022


Thursday, 1 December 2022

Bangkok Yang Mulia Dr. Shamsiah Zuraini Kanchanawati binti Haji Tajuddin, the Permanent Secretary (Core Education) of the Ministry of Education has attended the 45th Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization High Officials Meeting (45th SEAMEO HOM) that was held from 28 to 30 November 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand.


The meeting was officiated by His Excellency Dr. Atthaphon Sangkhawasee, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Thailand on behalf of the Her Excellency Treenuch Thienthong, Minister of Education, Thailand. In his opening speech, he commended SEAMEO on carrying out its activities under the 7 SEAMEO priority areas and activities addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. He also added that the Ministry of Education Thailand places great emphasis on 21st century skills and ethical values among others, and will continue to ensure that no one will be left behind. This years’ Plenary Session was chaired by His Excellency Atty. Gerard L. Chan, Undersecretary, Legislative Affairs and Partnerships, Department of Education, Republic of the Philippines whilst Yang Mulia Dr. Shamsiah Zuraini Kanchanawati binti Haji Tajuddin was appointed as the Vice-Chair.

The meeting began with an In-Camera Session and followed by a Plenary Session. Matters under discussion included reports on financial matters of the SEAMEO Secretariat and proposed Five- Year Development Plans of a number of SEAMEO Regional Centres, as well as proposals and reports of projects/programmes under SEAMEO where decisions were made to endorse several proposals to be presented at the next SEAMEO Council Conference.

During the meeting, each SEAMEO Member Country also had the opportunity to share their progress and development in addressing the ‘SEAMEO 7 Priority Areas Implementation’ in their countries. These 7 Priority Areas are: (1) Early Childhood Care and Education; (2) Addressing Barriers to Inclusion; (3) Resiliency in the Face of Emergencies; (4) Promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training; (5) Teacher Education; (6) Harmonisation in Higher Education and Research; and (7) Adopting a 21st Century Curriculum. During this session, Yang Mulia Permanent Secretary (Core Education) highlighted a number of initiatives implemented in Brunei Darussalam to ensure equal and equitable access to education for students to achieve their fullest potential which include among others, the establishment of the Learning Support Team and Learning Recovery Team as well as the launch of the Brunei Darussalam Learning Support Guidebook. She also shared the initiatives undertaken to update and enhance the curriculum of a number of subjects such as English Language, Mathematics, Science, Malay Language, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Finance to ensuring relevancy with 21st Century needs.

The SEAMEO HOM convenes annually, bringing together senior officials from the SEAMEO Member Countries, representatives from SEAMEO Associate and Affiliate Members, Directors and Officers from SEAMEO Regional Centres to report, discuss, plan and review the programmes, activities and the operations under the organization. The SEAMEO HOM meeting was attended by heads of delegation from SEAMEO member countries, and Centre Directors from the 26 SEAMEO Centres and Network.

Also present at the meeting were officials from the Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam. 



Khamis, 1 Disember 2022

Bangkok Yang Mulia Dr. Shamsiah Zuraini Kanchanawati binti Haji Tajuddin, Setiausaha Tetap (Pendidikan Teras), Kementerian Pendidikan, Negara Brunei Darussalam telah menghadiri Mesyuarat Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan Pertubuhan Menteri-Menteri Pendidikan Asia Tenggara Kali Ke-45 (45th SEAMEO HOM) yang telah diadakan pada 28 hingga 30 November 2022 di Bangkok, Thailand.

Mesyuarat dirasmikan oleh Tuan Yang Terutama Dr. Atthaphon Sangkhawasee, Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian Pendidikan Thailand selaku wakil Puan Yang Terutama Treenuch Thienthong, Menteri Pendidikan Thailand. Dalam ucapan perasmiannya, beliau memberikan penghargaan kepada Sekretariat SEAMEO atas pelaksanaan aktiviti-aktiviti di bawah 7 bidang keutamaan SEAMEO dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang berkaitan di bawah Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu. Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa Kementerian Pendidikan Thailand antara lainnya amat menitikberatkan kemahiran abad ke-21 dan nilai-nilai etika, dan akan terus memastikan tiada siapa akan ketinggalan (no one left behind). Sesi Plenari tahun ini telah dipengerusikan oleh Tuan Yang Terutama Atty. Gerard L. Chan, Timbalan Setiausaha, Hal Ehwal Perundangan dan Kerjasama, Jabatan Pendidikan, Republik Filipina dan Yang Mulia Dr. Shamsiah Zuraini Kanchanawati binti Haji Tajuddin dilantik sebagai Timbalan Pengerusi.

Mesyuarat berkenaan dimulakan dengan sesi perbincangan tertutup dan diikuti dengan sesi plenari. Antara perkara-perkara yang telah dibincangkan semasa mesyuarat tersebut adalah mengenai laporan-laporan kewangan Sekretariat SEAMEO dan Pusat-Pusat Serantau SEAMEO, cadangan Rancangan Kemajuan Lima Tahun beberapa Pusat-Pusat Serantau SEAMEO serta cadangan dan laporan projek atau program SEAMEO yang lain. Mesyuarat tersebut juga telah meluluskan beberapa cadangan kertas kerja yang akan dihadapkan kepada Majlis Persidangan SEAMEO yang akan datang.

Semasa mesyuarat berkenaan, negara-negara anggota SEAMEO berpeluang untuk membentangkan perkembangan terkini mengenai dengan ‘SEAMEO 7 Priority Areas Implementation’ di negara masing-masing. SEAMEO 7 Priority Areas berkenaan ialah (1) ‘Early Childhood Care and Education’; (2) ‘Addressing Barriers to Inclusion’; (3) ‘Resiliency in the Face of Emergencies’; (4) ‘Promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training’; (5) ‘Teacher Education’; (6) ‘Harmonisation in Higher Education and Research; dan (7) ‘Adopting a 21st Century Curriculum’. Semasa pembentangan tersebut, Yang Mulia Setiausaha Tetap (Pendidikan Teras), Kementerian Pendidikan telah mengongsikan beberapa inisiatif yang dilaksanakan di Negara Brunei Darussalam dalam memastikan akses pendidikan yang sama dan saksama bagi pelajar untuk mencapai potensi sepenuhnya seperti penubuhan Learning Support Team dan Learning Recovery Team serta pelancaran Brunei Darussalam Learning Support Guidebook. Beliau juga mengongsikan mengenai inisiatif yang dijalankan untuk mengemaskini dan mempertingkatkan kurikulum subjek-subjek seperti Bahasa Inggeris, Matematik, Sains, Bahasa Melayu, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) dan Kewangan demi memastikan kurikulum tersebut adalah relevan dengan keperluan abad ke-21.

SEAMEO HOM merupakan mesyuarat tahunan bagi pegawai-pegawai kanan dari negara-negara ahli SEAMEO untuk melaporkan, membincangkan, serta merancang program, aktiviti dan operasi di bawah organisasi berkenaan. Mesyuarat berkenaan dihadiri oleh pegawai-pegawai kanan dari negara-negara ahli SEAMEO dan Pengarah-Pengarah dari kesemua 26 Pusat Serantau SEAMEO dan Rangkaiannya.

Turut hadir semasa mesyuarat berkenaan adalah pegawai-pegawai dari Kementerian Pendidikan, Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Rujukan: KPE/CCD/K1:2/PR/113 (M)
Tarikh: 07 Jamadilawal 1444H / 01 Disember 2022M