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​To be a progressive and dynamic international Islamic university based on al-Quran and al-Sunnah

To be an international university which offers various programs of study, research and human development using holistic methods and up-to-date technology in accordance with global development, in order to produce pious, high spirited and valuable graduates as well as to contribute to the development of community and the country

​"Observe your duty to Allah, and it is Allah that teaches you" - (Surah Al-Baqarah: 282)

​Dr Haji Norarfan bin Haji Zainal
​Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali
Simpang 347,
Jalan Pasar Baharu Gadong,
Bandar Seri Begawan, BE1310
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: ​+673 2462000
International Tel: +673 2462233
​Official Website


  • Providing an Islamic studies program for first degree holders and further qualifications in a systematic and efficient way in order to facilitate comprehensive learning to create Ulama, quality human resources and specialist scholars of Islam that possess excellent and good conduct, professionalism, deep knowledge, expert practitioners, good character and devotion.
  • To increase productivity in teaching and effective learning, education, research and publication using modern technology.
  • To encourage efforts in research studies, consultation services, advice and professionalism according to the Islamic perspective.
  • To give a better impression to the philosophy of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (Melayu Islam Beraja philosophy), especially in the Islamic context as the main principle, to that philosophy.
  • To contribute and create an educated nation of believers, practitioners and good influence following the teachings of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah and the development of Mazhab Shafi’i.
  • To inculcate various knowledge and Islamic references and to distribute this knowledge for the benefit of the society.
  • Apart from its benefit to Brunei Darussalam, in the long term, the establishment of UNISSA will give benefit to other international countries as it can be the centre of Islamic Dakwah within the Asia Pacific.

*Updated 15/8/2018