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Vision |
A centre of excellence for expanding lifelong learning opportunities for strengthening communities by 2024
Mission |
To build holistic individuals and inclusive society by improving the opportunities for lifelong learners of all ages
| Yang Mulia Dr. Sheikh Lukman bin Sheikh Abdul Hamid (Acting)
| Lifelong Learning Centre Jalan 10 Selatan, RPN Lambak Kanan, BC2315 Brunei Darussalam |
Contact Information | Reception Counter Tel: 234 6201
Finance and Procurement Counter Tel: 2346201 ext 110/111
Email: finance/
Website: Instagram: Facebook:
Lifelong Learning Centre (or L3 Centre pronounced as L-cube Centre), Ministry of Education was established on 23rd September 2019 during the 29th National Teacher's day to serve as the One-Stop Information Centre for lifelong learning programmes and activities.
L3 Centre is committed in improving lifelong learning opportunities for learners of all ages in Brunei Darussalam. L3 Centre has collaborated with lifelong learning providers from both public and private sectors in offering an extensive range of programmes, aligning with the needs of adult learners and the community as a whole.
- Developing policy, framework and guideline to improve opportunities to lifelong learning in Brunei Darussalam
- Review the provision of lifelong learning programmes
- Promote public enrolment in lifelong learning programmes
- To develop, implement, monitor and review lifelong learning policies, framework and guidelines
- To align and implement strategic initiatives towards MoE's Vision and Mission
- To provide platform and venue for lifelong learning programmes with partnerships with private and public institutions/ providers
- To enhance national research and development (R&D) in lifelong learning
- To support Manpower Planning and Employment Council (MPEC) and JobCentre Brunei (JCB) in facilitating access to education and training and job opportunities to lifelong learners including jobseekers for future employment and career progression
- To facilitate and regulate the governance of lifelong learning institutions/ providers and the quality of lifelong learning programmes
(Note: Lifelong learning programmes include Upskilling and Reskilling programmes) - To promote and improve opportunities to lifelong learning for Bruneian citizens
- To promote a culture of lifelong learning so as to drive the development, competitiveness and employability of Brunei workforce; and strengthen society progress and community well being
- To maximise synergies between pre-employment (PET) and continuing education and training (CET) by harnessing the usage of technologies and building a vibrant landscape of high quality, skill-based and industry-relevant training
- Administration and Finance Division
- Administration and Finance Division
- Finance and Procurement Unit
- Estate and Facilities Unit
- Corporate Communication and Research Division
- Corporate Communication and Marketing Unit
- Research and Statistics Unit
- Information and Technology Services Unit
- Programmes and Participation Division
- Registration Unit
- Curriculum Unit
- Employability Skills Unit
- Career Guidance Unit
- Regulatory Division
- Policy, Planning and Development Unit
- Registration of Lifelong Learning Providers and Educators Unit
- Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
Engaging collaboration and partnership
Opening inclusive, accessible and safe avenues for all learners
Promoting a respectful learning and workplace environment
Growing innovative opportunities
Bring the ministry, learning centre and our community together

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